Labour & Employment Law

In an ideal world, no one would need a lawyer to assist with an employment dispute. However, sometimes unfortunate events happen: an employee might get fired, a workplace could have health and safety hazards, or employees might face discrimination or harassment. There is no denying that employers hold most of the power in employment situations. Employers can decide what employees do, how they do it, and when they do it. Employers choose whom to hire, fire, or promote. Because employers have so much control over their employees, employment law has developed largely to protect employees’ rights, health and safety. Employers also have legal rights with regards to their employees.

In Manitoba, employees have rights such as a right to a safe and healthy workplace, a right to be protected against bullying and harassment, and a right to personal protective equipment, if necessary. Many, but not all employees in Manitoba are entitled to minimum standards of pay, time off, and overtime pay under the Employment Standards Code. Many of these rights apply to non-Canadians such as temporary foreign workers as well as Canadian citizens.

If you find yourself in a difficult employment situation, call Vanessa at 204-557-1533 or email to schedule a 30-minute initial consultation. Services offered:

  • negotiation and mediation of employment disputes, including:
  • wrongful and unjust dismissals
  • employee discipline
  • employment standards
  • employment contracts and policies
  • human rights complaints
  • workplace harassment and bullying
  • workplace safety and health
  • Employment law assistance for temporary foreign workers

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Please note: I am currently on maternity leave until August of 2024. I am not accepting new clients or offering initial consultations during this time.