I help my clients navigate the law

My goal is to help my clients solve the problems they are facing by offering practical solutions and guidance through the legal system.

Your rights deserve fair representation

Determined, independent and driven, Vanessa Friesen began her own practice to ensure Manitobans have access to fair and sustainable legal services that meet their individual needs while accommodating new challenges to our collective well-being, economic stability and global changes.

With a focus on labour, employment, and landlord-tenant law, Vanessa’s dedication to her professional commitment is a direct reflection of the zeal and experiences that steered her own personal journey toward a legal profession.

A Winnipegger most of her life, Vanessa obtained a music degree from Canadian Mennonite University directly out of high school. But further aspirations called - she expanded her goals and attended the University of Manitoba, Robson Hall Faculty of Law. To become a lawyer and protect the rights of those facing legal challenges felt like the ideal fit with both her drive for success and personal values.

Vanessa spent the summers of her law school years tree-planting in northern BC and Alberta to fund her education. In addition to earning her way through law school, tree planting taught her to value the small things in life: warm, dry socks after working all day in the cold rain, wildflowers in the midst of a clear cut's desolation, and the importance of friendship.

In law school, Vanessa volunteered for Legal Aid Manitoba representing criminal defence clients, winning a trial in the Manitoba Provincial Court while still a law student. She served as an articling student in Vernon, BC and was first Called to the Bar in British Columbia. Her breadth of experience includes labour, employment, residential tenancy disputes, personal injury, corporate, debt collections, wills and estates, criminal defence, and litigation. 

Vanessa has since returned to her prairie roots, transferring to the Manitoba Bar, with a goal to work together with her fellow Manitobans to offer quality legal services that also address the current global climate – in every sense of the phrase. 

Vanessa also recognizes that Indigenous reconciliation is an important ongoing Canadian issue, and she is committed to assisting Indiginous peoples of Canada with professional legal representation.

"I recognize that, as a Caucasian descendent of settlers in Canada, I have benefited personally from centuries of colonialism at the expense of the Indigenous peoples of Canada. I am committed to reconciliation and upholding the treaties in all areas of life, from the judicial system to public funding to challenging bigotry in daily life."

To reduce her carbon footprint and because she's an outdoors enthusiast, she generally walks, bikes, or takes public transportation.

In her free time, Vanessa remains involved in her love for music – singing in a choir and playing guitar and clarinet regularly.

I aim to be an ally to LGBTQ+ folks. All are welcome in my practice.

Call to the Bar:

March 2020, British Columbia (no longer active)

August 2020, Manitoba

Immigration Lawyer Winnipeg - Vanessa Friesen
“My goal is to provide compassionate, effective legal services.”
Vanessa Friesen

Company employee productivity boost

* Here is some qualifier text

Unlocked potential since 1994

2 Provinces

You’ll find us in Manitoba & Ontario*

* Opening October 2021

Recent Milestones

New Partner

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November 2018
Awarded, again.

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June 2016
Winnipeg Office

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January 2016

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April 2015

Please note: I am currently on maternity leave until August of 2024. I am not accepting new clients or offering initial consultations during this time.